[Power of Attorney] Vermont

[Power Of Attorney] Vermont

Step 1 of 6


    I. NOTICEThis legal document grants you (Hereinafter referred to as the “Principal”) the right to transfer unlimited financial powers to someone else (Hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney-in-Fact”), unlimited financial powers are described as: all financial decision making power legal under law. The Principal’s transfer of financial powers to the Attorney-in-Fact are granted upon authorization of this agreement, and stay in effect in the event of incapacitation by the Principal (incapacitation is described in Paragraph II). This agreement does not authorize the Attorney-in-Fact to make medical decisions for the Principal. The Principal continues to retain every right to all their financial decision making power and may revoke this Durable Power of Attorney Form at anytime. The Principal may include restrictions or requests pertaining to the financial decision making power of the Attorney-in-Fact. It is the intent of the Attorney-in-Fact to act in the Principal’s wishes put forth, or, to make financial decisions that fit the Principal’s best interest. All parties authorizing this agreement must be at least 18 years of age and acting under no false pressures or outside influences. Upon authorization of this Durable Power of Attorney Form, it will revoke any previously valid Durable Power of Attorney Form.

    II. INCAPACITATIONThe powers granted to the Attorney-in-Fact by the Principal in this Durable Power of Attorney Form stay in effect upon incapacitation by the Principal, incapacitation is describes as: A medical physician stating verbally or in writing that the Principal can no longer make decisions for them self.

    III. REVOCATIONThe Principal has the right to revoke this Durable Power of Attorney Form at anytime. Any revocation will be effective if the Principal either:

    A. Authorizes a new Durable Power of Attorney Form.
    B. Authorizes a Power of Attorney Revocation Form. 

    IV. WITNESS & NOTARYThis document is not valid as a Durable Power of Attorney unless it is acknowledged before a notary public or is signed by at least two adult witnesses who are present when the Principal signs or acknowledges the Principal’s signature. It is recommended to have this Durable Power of Attorney Form notarized.

Step 1 of 6,